Product-Related Questions

What is Lucid?

Lucid is an innovative necklace crafted to assist in nicotine quitting and stress / anxiety management. It employs specific breathing techniques to guide you toward relaxation and a peaceful state.

Why not use a straw?

Lucid might look similar to a straw, but it's much more. This intricately designed tool enhances your breathing process, offering the necessary resistance and airflow for effective and soothing breathwork.

With a precision cut hole at 8mm,it provides just the right amount of airflow to slow your exhale and ensure that you practice the breathwork technique the correct way.

How Do I Clean The Lucid?

To clean Lucid, simply wash it with warm soapy water and let it air dry. For thorough cleaning, a small brush can be used to gently cleanse its interior.

Why Not Just Breathe On My Own?

Although you can practice slow breathing independently, Lucid acts as a tangible guide to ensure effective practice. It aids in maintaining the rhythm and depth of breath crucial for activating relaxation responses in your body.

Is Lucid Scientifically Backed?

Absolutely, Lucid draws from the scientifically validated practice of controlled breathing, known for its efficacy in alleviating stress and anxiety by positively influencing the parasympathetic nervous system.

Refund-Related Questions

Can I cancel my order?

es, you can cancel your order for free within 23 hours of placing it and receive a full refund. After this period, the order is being processed and cannot be canceled.

What is your return and refund policy?

We have a hassle-free 30-day money-back guarantee. If your product is defective, damaged during shipping, or not what you ordered, contact us for a refund or replacement. Refunds are processed using the original payment method, excluding delivery charges and/or discounts. Shipping costs for returning the item are non-refundable.

With a precision cut hole at 8mm,it provides just the right amount of airflow to slow your exhale and ensure that you practice the breathwork technique the correct way.

What should I do if my item is damaged or faulty?

If your item arrives in an unsatisfactory condition or is damaged, please contact us with photos or videos of the issue. We may offer a replacement, exchange, or full refund depending on the circumstances.

Shipping-Related Questions

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer free international shipping!

What is your shipping policy?

We offer free insured and tracked shipping worldwide, with all orders shipping within 1-3 business days of purchase. Shipping times vary by location but generally range from 6-10 days. We also offer Priority Processing & Shipping Insurance for an additional fee of $5.95.

What happens if I enter the wrong shipping address?

Please double-check your address when entering your details. If your order has already been shipped, we may not be able to accommodate changes or offer a refund for orders shipped to the wrong address. Contact us ASAP if you notice a mistake.

What should I do if my package is marked as delivered but I haven't received it?

Contact your local post office to inquire about the package. If it cannot be located, contact us with a formal affidavit of a lost, stolen, or undelivered package, and we will endeavor to resend a replacement order.